Invaluable Insights from Bright International General Counsels
I’m very proud of a 4-part article I wrote which was published in Corporate Counsel a couple of weeks ago, on being a GC during a major government investigation. The editors tell me it was very widely read, and it’s no surprise thanks to the General Counsels I interviewed. Six General Counsels of big global companies who I’ve known for 2-12 years were interested to share their views. They all have been through at least a few of major investigations and lived to tell the story. There are 2 Americans, 1 Swede, 1 German/Indian, 1 Italian, 1 Englishman, and their companies are Anheuser Busch InBev, British Telecom, Canadian Helicopter, Eni, HSBC and Total. I was very impressed with their articulate insights and their advice to fellow counsel, spoken with the wisdom of experience. I encourage any in-house or outside counsel, and law firm marketing and BD teams, to read the piece, which is in 4 parts - click here for pdf: On Being GC During a Major Government Investigation - Parts 1-4 or go to the ALM website: On Being GC During a Major Government Investigation for part 1 and What a GC Needs to do First During a Government Probe for part 2.
Those interviewed had so much to say that the article covers 5 themes:
- what to do first when a major govt investigation breaks,
- how to communicate during an investigation,
- how to interact with the regulatory officials,
- insights on dealing with the board and other stakeholders,
- and implications for the General Counsel’s job overall
(given that major government investigations are to be expected in the current environment).
Let me know what you think. Leigh Dance