

Global perspectives.
Latest thinking. 

Leigh Dance has written, published and spoken extensively on many aspects of global legal services, at major global conferences and in business and legal industry publications worldwide, including The Wall Street Journal.  Click here for our extensive archive of past (we believe still insightful!) published articles.

Dance is author of Bright Ideas:  Insights from Legal Luminaries Worldwide, published by Mill City Press and available on Amazon.  Bright Ideas is a compilation of 23 original essays by leaders and influencers around the world.

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Invaluable Insights from Bright International General Counsels

I’m very proud of a 4-part article I wrote which was published in Corporate Counsel a couple of weeks ago, on being a GC during a major government investigation.  The editors tell me it was very widely read, and it’s no surprise thanks to the General Counsels I interviewed.  Six General Counsels of big global companies who I’ve known for 2-12 years were interested to share their views.  They all have been through at least a few of major investigations and lived to tell the story.  There are 2 Americans, 1 Swede, 1 German/Indian, 1 Italian, 1 Englishman, and their companies are Anheuser Busch InBev, British Telecom, Canadian Helicopter, Eni, HSBC and Total. I was very impressed with their articulate insights and their advice to fellow counsel, spoken with the wisdom of experience.  I encourage any in-house or outside counsel, and law firm marketing and BD teams, to read the piece, which is in 4 parts - click here for pdf: On Being GC During a Major Government Investigation - Parts 1-4  or go to the ALM website: On Being GC During a Major Government Investigation for part 1 and What a GC Needs to do First During a Government Probe for part 2.

Those interviewed had so much to say that the article covers 5 themes:

  • what to do first when a major govt investigation breaks,
  • how to communicate during an investigation,
  • how to interact with the regulatory officials,
  • insights on dealing with the board and other stakeholders,
  • and implications for the General Counsel’s job overall

(given that major government investigations are to be expected in the current environment).

Let me know what you think.  Leigh Dance